4th And Goalgaming Potatoes

Have you tried growing potatoes in your garden? Growing potatoes is fun and not that difficult! You can grow unique varieties not found in supermarkets.

With a sharp knife, cut potatoes in half lengthwise. Slice each half widthwise 6 times, but not all the way through; fan potatoes slightly. Place in a shallow baking dish. Brush potatoes with 1 tablespoon butter. Sprinkle with paprika, parsley, salt and pepper. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 50 minutes or until tender. Drizzle with remaining butter.

I have several articles about growing potatoes on this website that are very popular. It is clear that many of you want to know more about growing, storing, and cooking with potatoes. I have gathered these articles together, expanded on the information, added new information not found on the website, and published a PDF eBook, Grow a Good Life Guide to Growing Potatoes.


Today the potato is the fifth most important crop worldwide, after wheat, corn, rice and sugar cane. But in the 18th century the tuber was a startling novelty, frightening to some, bewildering to. Potatoes and greens are a classic, rustic combination, and a very comforting one. The greens are blanched, and then cooked with onion and garlic. After a while, cooked potatoes are added and crushed into the greens. The dish isn’t like mashed potatoes, more like a hash. Serve it as a side dish with fish or chicken, or with other vegetable dishes. 8 Great Tips for Growing Potatoes. Plant Certified Seed Potatoes: When you plant seed potatoes, you are planting a potato produced by the plant the previous year. Any diseases or insects that the mother plant may have had are carried over in the seed potato. Potatoes of all kinds are inexpensive, last for weeks in the pantry, and are so easy to prep you’ll wonder why you haven’t been boiling a pot of potatoes every Sunday of your life. Sometimes labeled Micro potatoes, these petite tubers are often sold in 24 ounce net bags, a nice amount for four adults or two with leftovers.

Potatoes are easy to grow, store well through the winter, and provide a nutritious addition to meals. There’s nothing like the flavor of freshly dug potatoes and the knowledge that they were grown in a pesticide-free environment in your own backyard garden. Whether you are striving for a few gourmet fingerling potatoes for fresh eating or growing a large crop for winter food storage, this book will show you how can grow your own, homegrown potatoes.

Grow a Good Life Guide to Growing Potatoes will show you what you need to know to grow your own potatoes. You will learn:

  • Benefits of Growing Your Own, Chemical-Free Potatoes
  • How to Source Quality Seed Potatoes
  • Which Potatoes are Better for Fresh Eating or Long Term Storage
  • Several Ways to Grow Potatoes in Your Backyard Garden
  • How to Build a Potato Tower
  • Growing Potatoes in Containers and Grow Bags
  • How to Harvest and Prepare Potatoes for Winter Food Storage
  • How to Deal with Common Pests and Diseases
  • Bonus: 10 Simple and Easy Potato Recipes

Check out the PDF eBook, Grow a Good Life Guide to Growing Potatoes and plant some potatoes this year!

8 Great Tips for Growing Potatoes

4th and goalgaming potatoes recipe

1. Plant Certified Seed Potatoes: When you plant seed potatoes, you are planting a potato produced by the plant the previous year. Any diseases or insects that the mother plant may have had are carried over in the seed potato. Planting certified seed potatoes ensures that you are starting with disease free potatoes.

2. Chit Your Potatoes: Give your potato seeds a head start by pre-sprouting or chitting them before planting into the ground.


3. Grow in Full Sun: Grow your potatoes where they will receive full sun (6-8 hours per day) planted in an acidic, well-drained soil.

4. Plant Potatoes in Early Spring: Potatoes prefer cooler weather. They can be planted as soon as the ground can be worked in the early spring, once the soil temperature reaches 45˚F. Wet, waterlogged soil will cause the seed potatoes to rot. So depending on how rainy your springs are, it may be better to wait until the soil dries out a bit.

5. Water Consistently: Maintain a consistent moisture level in the potato bed averaging about 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) of water per week.

6. Keep the Tubers Covered: Prevent your potatoes from forming green skin by covering with soil or mulching heavily so that no light reaches the tubers.

4th And Goalgaming Potatoes Mashed

4th And Goalgaming Potatoes

7. Let the Potatoes Mature Fully for Food Storage: You can begin harvesting new potatoes as needed for meals after the plants bloom. If you are growing potatoes for storage, allow the tubers to remain in the ground to mature. Cure unwashed potatoes before storing so the skins heal over and thicken up. Store cured tubers in a dark area in covered boxes or bins with some holes for ventilation. Ideal storage conditions for potatoes are at 32-40˚F and 80-90% relative humidity.

8. Rotate Your Potato Crop for Healthy Soil: Potatoes should be rotated in the garden on a 3-year system. This means you shouldn’t grow potatoes in the same spot until 3 or 4 years later. Follow potatoes with beans, leafy greens, a cover crop, or another non-Solanaceae family crop.

Once you understand the basics, potatoes are relatively easy to grow. They are fun to grow too since there are so many planting methods to experiment with. The reward is a delicious, organic, nutrient-dense food source that you can feed your family. Also gratifying is the feeling of pride over the fact that you grew them yourself.

Want to Learn How to Grow Potatoes?

4th And Goalgaming Potatoes

You will find everything you need to start growing potatoes in my PDF eBook, Grow a Good Life Guide to Growing Potatoes. Whether you are striving for a few gourmet fingerling potatoes or a large crop for winter food storage, this guide will show how you can grow your own, organic, homegrown potatoes. Click here to learn more.

4th And Goalgaming Potatoes Recipe

Good planning is key to a successful vegetable garden

4th And Goalgaming Potatoes Recipes

Whether you are new to growing your own food or have been growing a vegetable garden for years, you will benefit from some planning each year. You will find everything you need to organize and plan your vegetable garden in my PDF eBook, Grow a Good Life Guide to Planning Your Vegetable Garden.