Beta Test The Awesome New Header Image Features

The most important image on your website is the header image. This is the image that displays at the top of your website. It’s the first thing a visitor sees, so it needs to grab the viewer's attention.

Rick Astley's official music video for “Never Gonna Give You Up” Listen to Rick Astley: to the official Rick Ast. IMAGESCNTYPENOPAD 0x00000008: The section should not be padded to the next boundary. This flag is obsolete and is replaced by IMAGESCNALIGN1BYTES. 0x00000010: Reserved. IMAGESCNCNTCODE 0x00000020: The section contains executable code. IMAGESCNCNTINITIALIZEDDATA 0x00000040: The section contains initialized data.

This help article includes the following:

  • How to add images to the header
  • How to adjust the header image (including mobile view)
  • How to add an image slideshow to the header
  • How to add a video header
  • How to use header image filters
  • How to add a logo to the header area
  • How to reorder and delete header images

For more details on how to choose and optimize images for your website, please see this post:5 ways to optimize images on your band website

Note: Images must be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format. Animated GIF files will work in the site editor preview, but will not work on the live website.

How to add images to the header:

Note: A stock image is pre-loaded as the header image in the theme selector. In the second step of the trial plan setup, you will upload your own image or assign a different stock image. The header image can be changed at any time.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, hover your cursor over the header section, and click ‘Edit Image’ when that button appears
  2. In the settings pane on the left, click ‘Replace’
  3. Click ‘Upload Image(s)’

    Note: You can upload an image from your computer, select a previously uploaded image, choose a stock photo from our gallery, or import images from your Dropbox account.

  4. Drag and drop, and use the ‘zoom’ slider to adjust the image placement

  5. Click ‘Save’
  6. Toggle ‘Apply to all pages’ if you’d like this image to be set as the header image on all of your website pages
  7. Click ‘Save’

Note: These themes use the header image as a full-page background

  • Echo
  • Dusted
  • Cross and Fade
  • Prismatic (variants B and C)
  • Primer

Adjusting the header image (including mobile view)

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, hover your cursor over the header section, and click ‘Edit Image’ when that button appears
  2. In the settings pane on the left, click ‘Crop’
  3. From here there are 3 ways to adjust the image:
    • Focal point tool: Click and drag the blue ‘focal point’ dot to the most important part of the image. This is the part of the image that will stay in view when scaled down to mobile devices. From here you can click the tablet and mobile phone icons in the top right corner to preview how the image will look on those mobile devices.
    • Dragging the image: Depending on the image size there may be some room to adjust the vertical and/or horizontal position. Click and drag the image vertically or horizontally to set it in place. If nothing happens when you click and drag, this means the image has reached the smallest size possible for the space.
    • Zooming: Use the zoom slider to zoom in or out on the image. After you zoom you can click and drag the image to the position of your choice.
  4. Click ‘Save’

Note: If you’re having trouble with the image position, please view the ‘Image Sizing’ help article.

Slideshow headers

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, hover your cursor over the header section, and click ‘Edit Image’ when that button appears
  2. In the settings pane on the left, click ‘Add more images to make a slideshow’
  3. Click ‘Upload Image(s)’

    Note: You can upload an image from your computer, select a previously uploaded image, choose a stock photo from our gallery, or import images from your Dropbox account.

  4. From here there are 3 ways to adjust the image display:

    • Focal point tool: Click and drag the blue ‘focal point’ dot to the most important part of the image. This is the part of the image that will stay in view when scaled down to mobile devices. From here you can click the tablet and mobile phone icons in the top right corner to preview how the image will look on those mobile devices.
    • Dragging the image: Depending on the image size there may be some room to adjust the vertical and/or horizontal position. Click and drag the image vertically or horizontally to set it in place. If nothing happens when you click and drag, this means the image has reached the smallest size possible for the space.
    • Zooming: Use the zoom slider to zoom in or out on the image. After you zoom you can click and drag the image to the position of your choice.
  5. Click ‘Save’
  6. Repeat these steps for each new image added to the header slideshow
  7. Toggle ‘Apply to all pages’ if you’d like this slideshow to be set as the header on all of your website pages
  8. Click ‘Save’

Note: Up to 5 images can be added to the header slideshow, per page. Different images can be set up on each page. For more information on this feature, please view the ‘Header Slideshow’ help article.

Video Headers

Our Pro plan offers the option to add a silent video (no audio) to the header area. A different video can be added to each page.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, hover your cursor over the header section, and click ‘Edit Image’ when that button appears
  2. In the settings pane on the left, click ‘Video’
  3. Click ‘Upload Video’


Beta test the awesome new header image features printable
  • The video file must be 50mb or less.
  • File types accepted: MOV, AVI, MP4 and M4V.
  • After clicking ‘Upload’ the video may take a few minutes to process.

Please wait for the video to load before leaving the page or making any other updates to the site.

  1. Under ‘Mobile fallback image’, click ‘Add image’


  • The Mobile Fallback Image will display on mobile devices that may not support video autoplay (usually a default power- and data-saving setting on mobile devices).
  • You can upload an image from your computer, select a previously uploaded image, choose a stock photo from our gallery, or import images from your Dropbox account.
  1. Toggle ‘Apply to all pages’ if you’d like this video to appear in the header on all pages
  2. Click ‘Save’

To switch from a video header back to an image, or slideshow of images:

  1. Click ‘Images’ at the top of the settings pane on the left
  2. Click ‘Save’


  • You can upload a different video at any time (Pro plan) by clicking ‘Change Video’
  • The video positioning cannot be modified. For more information on this feature, please view the ‘Video Headers’ help article.

Beta Test The Awesome New Header Image Features Download

Using image filters

  1. From the ‘Edit Theme’ tab, click the drop-down under ‘Image filters’
  2. Click the filter name to assign it to the image
  3. Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the settings pane on the left

Some of our templates also offer filter customizations:1. Next to ‘Image filter custom color’, click the color swatch to change the color and adjust the opacity - Choose a preset color - Choose a color from the color selection tool - Enter the hex code for the color you’d like to use2. Next to ‘Image filter custom mode’, click the image filter name to select the one you’d like

Beta Test The Awesome New Header Image Features Pdf

Templates offering filter customizations:- Motiv- Eclipse- Nocturne- Encore- Spotlight- Duet

For more detailed information on filters, please view the ‘Header Image Filters’ help article.

Adding a logo

  1. From the ‘Edit Theme’ tab, under the title/logo section click ‘Logo’
  2. Click ‘Choose an image’
  3. Click ‘Upload Image(s)’
    • You can upload an image from your computer, select a previously uploaded image, choose a stock photo from our gallery, or import images from your Dropbox account.
  4. Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the left-hand pane

Warning: The logo option should not be used as your header image as this can cause issues with the display. The logo option is meant to add a smaller image that sits in the menu or over the header image. Please use the header image option for your main header image (from the Edit Content tab.)

Note: PNG files work best for logos as they can also be transparent.

For logo best practices, please view the ‘Image Sizing’ help article.

Beta Test The Awesome New Header Image Features Free

Reorder or delete header images

If you’ve added more than one image to the header (slideshow) and want to reorder the images, follow these steps.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, hover over your header and when you see ‘Edit Image’ click on the image
  2. In the left-hand pane, click and drag an image up or down to the position you’d like
  3. Repeat for each image you’d like to reorder
  4. Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the left-hand pane

If you’ve added more than one image to the header (slideshow) and want to delete images, follow these steps.

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, hover over your header and when you see ‘Edit Image’ click on the image
  2. In the left-hand pane, hover over the image you’d like to delete then click the ‘x’ in the top right corner of the image
  3. Repeat for each image you’d like to delete
  4. Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the left-hand pane

Beta Test The Awesome New Header Image Features 2017

Note: It’s not possible to delete all images. You must have at least one image in the header area.

Beta Test The Awesome New Header Image Features Windows 10

The HTML5 test score is an indication of how well your browser supports the HTML5 standard and related specifications. Find out which parts of HTML5 are supported by your browser today and compare the results with other browsers.

The HTML5 test does not try to test all of the new features offered by HTML5, nor does it try to test the functionality of each feature it does detect. Despite these shortcomings we hope that by quantifying the level of support users and web developers will get an idea of how hard the browser manufacturers work on improving their browsers and the web as a development platform.

The score is calculated by testing for the many new features of HTML5. Each feature is worth one or more points. Apart from the main HTML5 specification and other specifications created the W3C HTML Working Group or WHATWG, this test also awards points for supporting related drafts and specifications.

Please be aware that although the HTML5 specification is now an official recommendation, other specifications that are being tested are still in development and could change before receiving an official status. In the future new tests will be added for new specifications and existing tests will be updated when the specifications change.

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