2016 Year In Review


Yahoo 2016 Year In Review

2016 Year In Review

As 2016 comes to an end, Yahoo has unveiled our Year in Review, a detailed look at what captured the hearts and minds of our users across the globe this year, drawing from billions of searches on.

Updated March 22, 2017 | Infoplease Staff

Top events for the nation and the world

2016 Year In Review Google Commercial


Pictured: LeBron James with daughter, Photo source: AP Photo/Eric Risberg

First unanimous MVP, Career Grand Slam, Twenty Gold Medals, and more.

Photo source: AP Photo/James MacPherson

Tainted water, bathroom wars, Zika virus, an unwanted pipeline, and more

The Syrian civil war, terrorist attacks by ISIS, nukes in North Korea, Brexit, and more



Pictured:Muhammad Ali, Photo source: AP Photo/David Goldman

Fidel Castro, Harper Lee, Prince, David Bowie, and more.

  • People in the News
    Find out who made headlines in 2016. From politicians to musicians to 'reality TV' stars, read these short biographies about a variety of individuals.
  • News: Month by Month
    Detailed chronology of the news each month, covering national and international events

People, Pop Culture, & Society

2016 Calendars

2017 Calendars


2016 Year In Review Worksheet

  • FY 2015 Assessment Report
  • 2016 Vulnerability Coordination Report
  • NCCIC Year in Review 2017
  • Year in Review 2016
    Incident Response Pie Charts (YIR 2016 Addendum)
  • Year in Review 2014
  • Year in Review 2012
  • Year in Review 2010
  • ICS-CERT Incident Response Summary Report (2009-2011)

  • Cybersecurity Procurement Language for Energy Delivery Systems (ESCSWG 2014)
  • FBI Private Industry Notice 140416-002 (Heartbleed Snort Signatures)
  • ICS-TIP-15-022-01 : Best Practices for Continuity of Operations (Handling Destructive Malware)
  • ICS-TIP-12-146-01B: Targeted Cyber Intrusion Detection and Mitigation Strategies (Update B)
  • ST13-003 : (Security Tip) Handling Destructive Malware
  • JSAR-12-241-01B : Shamoon/DistTrack Malware (Update B)
  • JSAR-12-222-01 : Gauss Information-Stealing Malware
  • JSAR-12-151-01A : sKyWIper/Flame Information-Stealing Malware (Update A)

2016 Year In Review Deaths

  1. Clinton proposed a federal review process to determine if “outlier” price increases for long-established prescription drugs were justified. 2016 was a year when sure things turned out to.
  2. 2016 Current Events; Cite. Year in Review, 2016. Updated March 22, 2017 Infoplease Staff. Top events for the nation and the world. Pictured: LeBron.
  3. 2016 is drawing to a close and it’s time to review the year. I thought I’d take a look at what happened in my own business and what I saw as significant in the home sewing and quilting industries. Although I’ve written this blog for 11.5 years now, I only began writing year in review posts recently.