Exit Path

Close the current batch script, exit the current subroutine or close the CMD.EXE session, optionally setting an errorlevel.

Exit Path is a 2D jump 'n' run game through perilous traps and platforms. Aim of the game is to reach the exit without dying. Push arrow keys to move, jump or crouch. Hold the arrow up longer to jump higher. Hit spacebar or shift to flow if available and follow the exit path. Avoid the traps from stopping you on your way to the exit. Exit path funk in 10.73. There might be more to save or even an earlier cycle to make, but this took me to long to get. Leaderboards: https://www.speedrun.co. 13 (EXIT) New Zealand (+64) 09 889 0964. UK (+44) 7883 509 765. Games like Exit Path 2. Fancy Pants Adventure 2. Exit Path is a passive trait that can be equipped to Survivors from thePersona Web. In this dangerous game, you need to rely on yourself. 1 Gameplay 1.1 Description 1.2 Appearance 1.3 Uses 2 Gallery 3 Trivia When incapacitated, you can ignore the self-heal limit and recover to a state of being.


To close an interactive command prompt, the keyboard shortcut ALT + F4 is an alternative to typing EXIT.


EXIT /b has the option to set a specific errorlevel, EXIT /b 0 for sucess, EXIT /b 1 (or greater) for an error.
The exit code can be an integer of up to 10 digits in length (positive or negative).

EXIT without an ExitCode acts the same as goto:eof and will not alter the ERRORLEVEL

n.b. You should never attempt to directly write to the %ERRORLEVEL% variable, (SET ERRORLEVEL n ) instead use EXIT /b n as a safe way to set the internal ERRORLEVEL pseudo variable to n.


Exit Path

An errorlevel of -1073741510 will be interpreted by CMD.exe as a Ctrl-C Key sequence to cancel the current operation, not the entire script which EXIT will do.

To use this in a batch file, launch a new CMD session and immediately exit it, passing this errorlevel. The script will then act as though Ctrl-C had been pressed. Source and examples on DosTips.com.

cmd /c exit -1073741510

When EXIT /b used with FOR /L, the execution of the commands in the loop is stopped, but the loop itself continues until the end count is reached. This will cause slow performance if the loop is (pointlessly) counting up to a large number.
In the case of an infinite loop, this EXIT /b behaviour will cause the script to hang until manually terminated with Ctrl + C

Exiting nested FOR loops, EXIT /b can be used to exit a FOR loop that is nested within another FOR loop.
This will only work if the inner FOR loop is contained in a separate subroutine, so that EXIT /b (or goto:eof) will terminate the subroutine.

Exit Path Swf


Exit if a required file is missing:
@Echo Off
If not exist MyimportantFile.txt Exit /b
Echo If we get this far the file was found

Set the errorlevel to 5:
@Echo Off
Call :setError
Echo %errorlevel%
Goto :eof

Exit /B 5


Use EXIT /b to exit a nested FOR loop (so skipping the values X,Y and Z), but still continue back to the main outer loop:

Exit Path


EXIT is an internal command.
If Command Extensions are disabled, the EXIT command will still work but may output a spurious 'cannot find the batch label' error.

“Making music is not about a place you go. It’s about a place you get out of. I’m underwater most of the time, and music is like a tube to the surface that I can breathe through. It’s my air hole up to the world. If I didn’t have the music I’d be under water, dead” ~ Fiona Apple

Exit Pathway


VERIFY - Provides an alternative method of raising an errorlevel without exiting.
TSKILL - End a running process.
Powershell: Exit - Exit Powershell or break - Exit a program loop.
Equivalent bash command (Linux):break - Exit from a loop.

Exit Path World Record

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