Responsive Design For Your Website, Blog Or Store

  1. Responsive Design For Your Website Blog Or Store Brand
  2. Responsive Design For Your Website Blog Or Stores
  3. Responsive Design For Your Website Blog Or Store Bought
  4. Responsive Design For Your Website Blog Or Store Locations

So, you’ve decided to venture into the creation of responsive web designs. Wonderful! With the browsing landscape diversifying into mobile devices, netbooks, desktops and so forth, responsive web designs allow web designers to provide different layouts for specific devices (based on screen size and browser features) giving site visitors an optimal user experience.

If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you have several options to get you there. These options will be most likely be tied to the web developer you choose, but generally speaking the options include: building a separate mobile website, adaptive design, responsive design or even a mobile app. For most websites, the best solution is responsive. Responsive web design means that your blog or website will automatically appear properly formatted on any device: a desktop computer, a tablet or a mobile device.

So now, you’ve determined that it would be beneficial to create responsive web designs. What tools can help you get the job done?

Tools have started to spring up to provide us with shortcuts and helpers for common responsive web design tasks. Let’s take a look at just few that I find the most useful.

I divided the tools in this list into four categories:

  • Responsive typography
  • Flexible images
  • Responsive web page layouts
  • Testing and cross-browser support

Responsive Typography

First, let’s look at two tools (out of the many out there) that allow us to create beautiful, adaptive typography.

1. Lettering.js

Lettering.js, a jQuery plugin for controlling the appearance of your web type, is a great tool to help designers get a chokehold on their typography. Whether you’re working with a responsive web design or not, having this kind of control over your web type can help you craft a truly creative look without resorting to image-based solutions.

In the context of responsive design, Lettering.js gives designers precise control over typography characteristics such as spacing, leading and kerning in order to produce an optimal reading experience in various visual spaces.

2. FitText

Another jQuery plugin, FitText helps you make your headlines responsive. FitText make sure your display text appears optimally on various devices. This plugin may be simple, but its flexibility leaves the creativity in your hands and is easy to implement.

Flexible Images

After setting type, we can move on to tackling the issue of placing images in our responsive web designs. There’s one tool that should be a part of every responsive web designer’s arsenal.

3. imgSizer.js

Before heading straight to the code of imgSizer.js, make sure to read through Ethan Marcotte’s breakdown of what role this script plays in your responsive web designs. Essentially, this script was designed to make sure your images render cleanly in Microsoft Windows. Marcotte’s script does a pretty nice job of cleaning up images that have been sized down automatically by the browser.

Responsive Web Page Layouts

At the core of every responsive web design is a fluid and flexible layout that adapts itself to the screen size and features of the user’s browser. Let’s move on to resources related to layout, where most of the action happens in responsive web designs.

4. Fluid 960 Grid System

If you’ve been using the ubiquitous 960 Grid System by Nathan Smith (plenty of us have probably used it for projects or experimentation at some point), check out this fluid adaptation of the original project. If you’re comfortable with the original, then you already know how to use Fluid 960 Grid System.

5. Gridless

If a grid system for web page layouts seems too restrictive to you, check out Gridless. Gridless is built to be leaner than other grid systems and was constructed with responsive designs in mind. The Gridless code bases its philosophy on the much-discussed mobile first method for crafting websites that must be delivered to a multitude of device environments.

For designers seeking more of a barebones, content-focused approach to responsive web design, you may find yourself quite at home with Gridless.

Responsive Design For Your Website Blog Or Store Brand

6. PXtoEM

A tedious mathematical process associated with converting fixed-width design work to a fluid layout is converting absolute units of measurements (i.e. px and pt) into relative units of measurement such as ems and percent (%) for typography, spacing, container widths, etc.

PXtoEM is a tool that provides users with a simple conversion tool to help them with all the math. The site also allows designers the ability to quickly and easily change the base font size of their layout to something that leads to more manageable math.

For example, in your HTML document, setting your body element’s font-size to 62.5% gives you the more convenient conversion ratio of 1em is to 10px, making unit conversion a little easier to do.

Testing and Cross-Browser Support

Finally, as we create our responsive web design, we’ll come to the point where our web type is clean and adaptive, our images are flexible and our layout is fluid.

Now we need to make sure that our site works in as many browsing environments as possible.

7. Adobe Device Central

The best way to test your website on different devices is to actually test it from within the devices themselves; nothing compares to seeing how your website actually looks and behaves within a particular mobile gadget or computer.

However, for those of us who don’t have the budget for hundreds of new gadgets, the solution comes in the form of Adobe Device Central. Device Central is one of the better pieces of software I’ve used for testing a site out on different devices.

If it’s variety and range you seek, Device Central won’t leave you disappointed. With an actively growing device library to choose from, users will find pretty much every major device on the market, ready to load in and test.

Testing websites has been made easy as well: Simply input the URI of the web page (local or remote) and then you can freely switch between the devices you want to test it in.

8. Web Developer

While Device Central (above) is cheaper than purchasing a bunch of devices, it still may be outside the price range of some designers’ pocketbooks.

A fantastic alternative (or additional tool alongside Device Central) is the Web Developer browser extension. Available for Firefox and Chrome, this extension provides designers with several tools that come in handy when developing responsive or fluid websites.

Most notable is the built-in ability to resize your browser window with the click of a button. New size presets can be saved and used instantly.

Other helpful features include viewing CSS by media type and outlining your containing elements, which I find useful for quickly identifying break points (or potential break points) in a design.

9. Respond.js

One of the glaring disadvantages of using media queries is that they are part of the CSS3 specifications and therefore is an absent feature in older browsers, such as in IE8 and below.

Of course, one might argue that we don’t see a lot of mobile devices running IE6. But one thing to note is that responsive web design isn’t just about mobile devices, it’s a way of developing sites that become optimized for all types of browsing situations. For example, IE7 or IE8 users might still benefit from a site that renders a different layout on large, widescreen monitors versus a small-screen netbook.

Fortunately, we have Respond.js, a lightweight, open source script that gives us more options for executing media-query-driven responsive web designs in IE6, 7 and 8.

The script is small — only 1KB when served gzipped to site users — and is unobtrusive, so there’s little excuse not to use it!

10. Modernizr

Much like Respond.js, Modernizr is here to bring designers the power of HTML5 and CSS3, even in older browsers. While it’s not as lightweight as Respond.js, it does give you media-query-like abilities in older browsers.

The other exciting capability Modernizr brings us, as it relates to responsive web design, is some added support for the very intriguing — but currently problematic and tumultuous — W3C specifications of the Flexbox model that allows for easier and more robust web page layouts.

Responsive Design For Your Website, Blog Or Store

Modernizr also provides conditional loading features. If you’re concerned about loading many resources because of page speed concerns, Modernizr allows you to conditionally load certain resources based on the user’s browsing circumstances.

Responsibly Responsive

Not every responsive web design project is going to require all of the resources mentioned here. As always, restrict your design projects to only the components that are required to achieve the goals desired. And then, when appropriate, sprinkle in features that can enhance the user experience for as many users as possible without degrading it for anyone else.

These resources were chosen based on their ability to help you complete your responsive web designs more efficiently.

Adaptive and responsive web design practices are still in its beginning stages, but they are important because the diversification of browsing devices and viewing methods — like 3D on the Web, for example — is going to continue as our industry progresses into the future.


If you know a tool that can help in building responsive web designs, share them in the comments!

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Responsive design. You've likely heard about it; it’s that thing that's supposed to help make your website look good on your iPhone.

Right now, your current site is a hassle to view on a smartphone. The text is too small. You have to pinch and zoom in to make a button large enough to select.

Overall, it's a terrible user experience, and you know you need to fix it.

You're not sure you want to spend money on a mobile site, and building an app sounds like something for large corporations, like The New York Times.

Let's dive into responsive design and examine how a responsive website can serve as a viable mobile strategy for your business online.

From buzzword to business plan

If you're worried that responsive web design might be a fleeting modern web trend, it's time to put your doubts to rest.

We first mentioned responsive design on our blog in 2012 – about a month after CSS3 media queries became a W3C recommended web standard. Back then, even we were a bit skeptical of this new methodology.

Responsive Design For Your Website Blog Or Stores

Browser support was limited, and designers and developers alike were scrambling to figure out how to best address responsive images, navigation menus, retrofitting old fixed-width sites, and the like.

But my, how technology – and opinions – have changed in two years.

Mashable CEO and founder Pete Cashmore may have declared 2013 to be the year of responsive web design, but 2014 looks to be the year it is wholly embraced and no longer identified as just a trend. Instead, it's turning into an expected design practice.

All your content in one place

So what's the value of a responsive web design? For starters, you can manage all of your content in one place because you're only maintaining one site. When a web design and development firm creates a mobile site or an app, it's generally separate from the desktop version.

If one day you want to create a page that highlights a new product or service, you'll have to do it in two separate places. You're pretty busy running your company, and it'd be a lot easier for you to do all this in one place, right? You can with a responsive site.

It's like you've taken the bones out of your website. It's no longer stiff and structured, but rather fluid and malleable.

When you open up a browser window and load up your site, the contents fill the available space.

The 'mobile first' approach

There tends to be some confusion when it comes to 'mobile first' as a web development strategy. This stems from the misuse of two major buzzwords as they relate to responsive design: graceful degradation and progressive enhancement.

No, this isn't 2001: A Space Odyssey.

'Graceful degradation = big to small'

Graceful degradation is how responsive web design is typically (and at times incorrectly) implemented – start with a desktop design and figure out how to serve up the same content on smaller devices while adjusting the layout.

Responsive Design For Your Website Blog Or Store Bought

In other words, biggest to smallest.

The problem with this approach is that a design displayed on a smartphone tends to be just a 'good enough' solution.

As mobile web usage increases, it's important that your mobile site is as well thought out as your desktop site. If not, you'll alienate a significant chunk of your audience by providing a mediocre experience that isn't truly reflective of your brand.

'Progressive enhancement = mobile first = small to big'

When we talk about 'mobile first,' we're talking about progressive enhancement.

We're talking about not only designing a website first around the mobile experience, but building the site exclusively with the smallest screen size in mind and using media queries to enhance the website for larger viewports – adding more content and more features as the space allows.

Why is this important?

First, you'll start by eliminating the fluff your users likely do not care about, resulting in you having a better understanding of what you want people to do, see, and read once they hit your site.

Second, you'll identify problems your site may have on smaller devices during the planning stage rather than the building stage, saving you time and money that may have been sacrificed had you opted for graceful degradation.

Cost analysis

Now that you're aware of some of the efficiencies a responsive site can provide, let's talk about the cost of a responsive web design.

Yes, you will need to open up the check book once again. But unlike building a dedicated mobile site or an app – in addition to a traditional desktop site – the added cost is relatively low.

Even lower when you consider you're reducing the number of projects from two to one.

It may even be possible to retrofit your current site to be responsive. This is not always the case, though – especially if you're switching to a different content management system.

Responsive Design For Your Website Blog Or Store Locations

Development time is still going to be the same as if you were paying for a fixed-width website because as a web design firm, we're not adding any features. We're just approaching how we build the front-end (i.e. the visuals of your website) differently.

That may increase the overall price a hair, but that's because it takes a little bit longer to test the site on a variety of devices and web browsers to ensure all of the kinks have been worked out.

Depending on your needs, the size of the site, and whether or not support for legacy browsers is required (Internet Explorer 6+), it may take a few days to test or hardly any time at all.

One thing we always keep in mind is that everyone's needs are unique. In some situations, it may be more practical for a company to have a mobile site or even an app.

Most sites for smaller and medium-sized businesses, though, are perfectly suited for a responsive website.

Want to talk about how Visionary can make your site responsive? Contact us today!

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