Impact On Wildlifemacquarie Island

Impact On Wildlifemacquarie Island Golf Cart Rentals

Rabbit-induced landslides: two of many, Macquarie Island, 2006 Tasmania National Parks Association Inc. 1 Rabbit-induced landslides: two of many, Macquarie Island, 2006 “Due to high rainfall of recent months, and the insatiable eating ability of the rabbits, beautiful Lusitania Bay became the victim of a landslide ”. To date, these impacts have been quantified on several sub-Antarctic islands, but the role of house mice on more temperate islands is poorly known. On South Atlantic Gough Island, non-commensal house mice (Mus musculus L.) were probably introduced in the early 19th century and are now extremely abundant.

7 April 2014
Matthew Groom, Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage

TheMacquarie Island Pest Eradication project has been declared a success.


Theproject to eradicate rabbits and rodents from Macquarie Island is aconservation achievement of worldwide significance.

TheMinister for Environment, Parks and Heritage, Matthew Groom said a rigorousmonitoring program, which followed baiting, had not detected a rabbit, rat ormouse in more than two years.

'Theprogram is the world's largest island eradication for these three pest speciesand it has been an unqualified success,' Mr Groom said.

Impact On Wildlifemacquarie Islands

'In2007, the Australian and Tasmanian Governments announced they would jointlyfund the $25 million project to eradicate rabbits, rats and mice from the WorldHeritage listed island.

'Australiacan rightly be very proud of this outstanding result. It is exciting to see anecosystem which suffered significant degradation due to pest species for morethan 100 years, firmly on the road to recovery.

Impact On Wildlifemacquarie Island Hopping

'Pesteradication is costly, as it requires the removal of every last individual of aspecies, but in the long run is far cheaper than ongoing pest control.'

MrGroom said the island's considerable size of 12,785 hectares, and its location1500 kilometres southeast of Tasmania in the sub-Antarctic, presentedincredible logistical challenges.

'Meticulousplanning was required to meet these challenges and to minimise the impact onnon-target species,' Mr Groom said.

'Theproject's success has been an incredible feat of persistence and dedication bythe hunters and dog handlers from the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service.'

'Theyhave scoured the island intensively, walking 90,000 km, more than twotimes the earth's circumference, in their efforts to locate any survivingindividual pests.'

'Whileit may take a decade or more for the island's ecosystem to achieve equilibriumfollowing the removal of the pest species, there are already significant signsof recovery in terms of vegetation and bird species.

'Itwas expected that up to 24 bird species will benefit from the eradicationproject, and signs of increased breeding success of some species areencouraging.'

MrGroom said biosecurity measures for all shipping to the island have beenimproved in a joint program between the Australian Antarctic Division and theParks and Wildlife Service.


The Parks andWildlife Service's Macquarie Island Pest Eradication Team will arrive in Hobarttoday, Monday, 7 April 2014.


Environment,Parks and Heritage Minister Matthew Groom will welcome the team of 13 which includesproject staff, hunters and dog handlers, plus 11 dogs.

Impact On Wildlifemacquarie Island Lighthouse

TheL'Astrolabe will arrive at Macquarie Wharf 3 at 6.00pm.

News crewsare requested to be on site at 5.30pm for clearance to the wharf. Please wearappropriate clothing and enclosed footwear (no open sandals).