Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site

  1. Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Sites
  2. Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site Website

Creating a killer fitness bio for Instagram will help you stand out from the crowd. Fitness is a pretty competitive niche, so differentiating yourself is crucial.

Electronic fitness trackers can motivate people to stay with exercise and weight-loss programs. The companion apps store data and allow it to be shared with friends, family, and health care providers. Instagram can be a very effective social network and the fitness industry in particular seems to have found the sweet spot here in terms of social strategy. A closer look at the most popular hashtags on Instagram indicates that fitness is in high demand among the platform’s users, with #fitness, #fitnessmotivation and #fitspo counting millions of posts. Instagram Captions for Health and Fitness Businesses Health and fitness businesses are able to have a strong presence on Instagram. With photos and videos, your small business can post tutorials, examples of workouts, fitness class sneak peeks, tips, giveaways, and more. 'Tips For Using Instagram To Promote Your Podcast And Grow Your Audience' via We Edit Podcasts. Instagram has allowed fitness folks to find a sweet spot and reach out to a massive audience who loves that visual fitness content! A quick search of the most popular hashtags on Instagram shows the following hashtags amongst the most clicked: #motivation, #fitness, and #fitspo. People love seeing motivational content!

In this article – we’ll share 7 simple tips and tricks to improve your fitness bio for Instagram, including name selection and optimisation ideas.

We’ll teach you how to optimise for keywords, use the elevator pitch formula, and even squeeze in a few emojis! Plus, there’s a free bundle of fitness images too…

#1 – Optimise Your Bio With Keywords

Adding keywords to your bio will help you show up more often in search results. Include phrases that your ideal client is likely to search for, and gear your bio around their needs (e.g. workout videos), rather than yourself (e.g. ACSM certified).

Most people don’t realise that they should add keywords after their name too.

Choose 1-3 words that communicate what you do or something that makes you different. There’s a 30 character limit for this space, so use a horizontal dash (-) or vertical line (|) to separate the keywords from your name.

Here are a few practical examples…

  • Vox Studio – HIIT Training
  • Om – Yoga | Pilates | TaiChi
  • Sweat Fit – Workout Videos
  • Fly Fit | Personal Training
  • BeCycle – Spinning Studio

#2 – Use Impactful & Inspiring Phrases

In addition to using keywords, it’s important to make your bio persuasive. Remember that you’re talking to people, not robots…

To make your fitness Instagram bio impactful, talk about benefits as well as features. Explain how your offering will help people, not just what it includes.

So instead of ‘HIIT workouts’, talk about ‘workouts that burn max calories in minimum time, so you can fit them around your busy lifestyle and work commitments’.

Or instead of ‘modern gym’ talk about ‘a supportive and luxurious environment that you’ll actually enjoy coming to’.

Using inspiring words can make a huge difference to the number of people who follow you. Diets, losing weight, and tough workouts won’t sound very appealing to potential clients. But smart word choice can totally change this…

  • Diet ⇔ Nourish – Fuel – Nutrition
  • Lose Weight ⇔ Transform – Renew – Shred
  • Push ⇔ Motivate – Inspire – Enable

FREE Social Media Bundle

It includes 25 inspiring health and fitness posts that you can share on Instagram, Facebook, or any other platform.

Enter your email below to download them…

#3 – The Elevator Pitch Formula

Your Instagram bio has a limit of 150 characters, so it’s important to make every word count. Many people will decide whether or not to follow you on the basis of this section, so it needs to be clear and impactful.

Use the following ‘elevator pitch formula‘ to summarise exactly who you help, what you do, and how long it takes…

We help [insert ideal client] to [overcome common problem] in [time frame].

Here are a couple of practical examples for gyms, personal trainers, and fitness bloggers…

  • We help people who hate gyms to fall in love with fitness in 7 days.
  • We help busy mums to lose their post-baby bump in 12 weeks.
  • We help non-runners to train for ultra-marathons in 6 months.

Using this formula will help you appeal to your ideal client. People will read it and think “that’s me!” or “this is exactly what I need”. Adding a time frame makes it even more impactful since everyone wants to know how quickly they’ll see results.

#4 – Add Strategic Emojis

Adding emojis to your fitness bio for Instagram will help break up the text, making it easier to read. They also help to communicate things visually, which some people prefer.

Try using fruit, veg, or shapes in place of bullet points. Bonus points for colour-coordinating the emojis with your overall branding.

Don’t worry about emojis coming across as unprofessional. They’re totally acceptable on Instagram (as opposed to LinkedIn where they might be frowned upon).

#5 – Sense Check Your Username

Your username appears next to all your posts so it has a big impact on how you’re perceived. Usernames like ‘caz123’ are fine for personal use but they don’t make it obvious that you’re a fitness professional to potential followers.

Using catchy fitness names for Instagram ensures that your profile is memorable and conveys what you do. So, check that your username actually makes sense to people who don’t already know you.

If it doesn’t, then change it. You can switch up your Instagram username as many times as you like. Simply go to Options ⇒ Edit Profile and enter a new username. Where possible, try to keep usernames consistent between all social platforms.

Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site

It’s best to choose a name with less than 15 characters because that’s the limit on other platforms like Twitter.

You can check username availability across all social platforms at the same time using a site like Name Checkr. It might feel like all the best fitness Instagram names are taken, but if yours is already in use then there are a couple of options…

  • Add your location – so flyfit becomes flyfitUK or flyfitNY.
  • Add a verb – such as goflyfit or getflyfit. But try to avoid using punctuation like underscores (i.e. flyfit is preferable to fly_fit).

For more fitness Instagram name ideas, check out this article.

#6 – Include A Professional Profile Picture

For gyms and studios, it’s best to use an element of the logo (such as the first letter or icon). For example, Soul Cycle use their wheel icon instead of squeezing their full logo into a small circle. We don’t recommend using a full-size logo since when viewed on a mobile it appears super-small and isn’t easily readable.

For personal trainers or bloggers, there are more options… Since it’s a single person representing the business (rather than a team) you can either use a headshot or logo element.

Headshots can come across as more personable, whereas logos can appear more professional. It’s an individual preference and there is no right or wrong – it really depends on how you’d like to come across to your audience.

The minimum profile picture size is 110 x 110 pixels, but you also need to allow for the fact that Instagram will crop the corners into a circular shape.

#7 – Link To A Lead Capture Page

Of all the fitness Instagram bio ideas we’ve mentioned, this may be the most important. After all, what’s the point in social media marketing if it’s not driving leads for your business? So, make sure that you link directly to a lead capture page.

You might also like…Instagram Tips For Personal Trainers – 5 Ways To Get More Followers

The web address in your fitness bio for Instagram is the only clickable link on the platform. This makes it the easiest way to send visitors to your website, so don’t waste it. Most people just link to their homepage, but this is missing an opportunity…

Instead of linking to your homepage, link to a page that’s specifically designed to capture leads. You want to drive visitors to a form that asks for their email address, so you can continue to build the relationship outside of Instagram.

This way you have more freedom to communicate in different ways (especially handy if your account is ever blocked).

You’ll need to offer something really valuable in order for people to hand over their email address. Ebooks, fitness challenges, and workout guides all work really well. It’s best to offer something that will solve a small problem, help them complete the first step towards their goal, or provide a quick win that’ll make them feel good.

Bonus Tip – Add Story Highlights

This tip is optional as it’s only helpful if you use Instagram Stories. It’s possible to pin stories to your profile so that they appear directly under your bio. This allows you to promote services or convey additional information in a visual way.

If you’re designing the bio for a fitness page, then adding Story Highlights will really aid branding.

You can choose a cover photo to represent each story that matches your colour scheme or brand style. These appear as circles underneath your text bio and link directly to the stories themselves.

Check out how Cassey Ho uses them under her Instagram fitness bio to promote events, programs, and lead magnets…

If you’re creating a fitness studio or gym bio for Instagram, then you could add Story Highlights about personal training, spa services, or membership options. For a personal trainer bio, the highlights could cover training goals and FAQs. It’s super-simple to do – check out the basic steps here.

Creating A Killer Fitness Bio For Instagram

Implement these 7 tips and tricks, and you’ll have a killer fitness bio for Instagram in no time! For more social media ideas and strategies check out our other articles on starting a fitness Instagram, popular health hashtags, and the best fitness hashtags for likes and followers.

Buy it now

Ready-Made Instagram Images

Our social media kits make it easy todrive leads, engagement, and loyaltyfor your fitness business. Ideal for busy gym operators and studio owners, they enable you to benefit from our marketing agency expertise for a fraction of the usual cost.

The ready-made social postssave you time and effort – learn more here.

Creating a killer fitness bio for Instagram will help you stand out from the crowd. Fitness is a pretty competitive niche, so differentiating yourself is crucial.

In this article – we’ll share 7 simple tips and tricks to improve your fitness bio for Instagram, including name selection and optimisation ideas.

Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site

We’ll teach you how to optimise for keywords, use the elevator pitch formula, and even squeeze in a few emojis! Plus, there’s a free bundle of fitness images too…

#1 – Optimise Your Bio With Keywords

Adding keywords to your bio will help you show up more often in search results. Include phrases that your ideal client is likely to search for, and gear your bio around their needs (e.g. workout videos), rather than yourself (e.g. ACSM certified).

Most people don’t realise that they should add keywords after their name too.

Choose 1-3 words that communicate what you do or something that makes you different. There’s a 30 character limit for this space, so use a horizontal dash (-) or vertical line (|) to separate the keywords from your name.

Here are a few practical examples…

  • Vox Studio – HIIT Training
  • Om – Yoga | Pilates | TaiChi
  • Sweat Fit – Workout Videos
  • Fly Fit | Personal Training
  • BeCycle – Spinning Studio

#2 – Use Impactful & Inspiring Phrases

In addition to using keywords, it’s important to make your bio persuasive. Remember that you’re talking to people, not robots…

To make your fitness Instagram bio impactful, talk about benefits as well as features. Explain how your offering will help people, not just what it includes.


So instead of ‘HIIT workouts’, talk about ‘workouts that burn max calories in minimum time, so you can fit them around your busy lifestyle and work commitments’.

Or instead of ‘modern gym’ talk about ‘a supportive and luxurious environment that you’ll actually enjoy coming to’.

Using inspiring words can make a huge difference to the number of people who follow you. Diets, losing weight, and tough workouts won’t sound very appealing to potential clients. But smart word choice can totally change this…

  • Diet ⇔ Nourish – Fuel – Nutrition
  • Lose Weight ⇔ Transform – Renew – Shred
  • Push ⇔ Motivate – Inspire – Enable

FREE Social Media Bundle

Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site

It includes 25 inspiring health and fitness posts that you can share on Instagram, Facebook, or any other platform.

Enter your email below to download them…

#3 – The Elevator Pitch Formula

Your Instagram bio has a limit of 150 characters, so it’s important to make every word count. Many people will decide whether or not to follow you on the basis of this section, so it needs to be clear and impactful.

Use the following ‘elevator pitch formula‘ to summarise exactly who you help, what you do, and how long it takes…

We help [insert ideal client] to [overcome common problem] in [time frame].

Here are a couple of practical examples for gyms, personal trainers, and fitness bloggers…

  • We help people who hate gyms to fall in love with fitness in 7 days.
  • We help busy mums to lose their post-baby bump in 12 weeks.
  • We help non-runners to train for ultra-marathons in 6 months.

Using this formula will help you appeal to your ideal client. People will read it and think “that’s me!” or “this is exactly what I need”. Adding a time frame makes it even more impactful since everyone wants to know how quickly they’ll see results.

#4 – Add Strategic Emojis

Adding emojis to your fitness bio for Instagram will help break up the text, making it easier to read. They also help to communicate things visually, which some people prefer.

Try using fruit, veg, or shapes in place of bullet points. Bonus points for colour-coordinating the emojis with your overall branding.

Don’t worry about emojis coming across as unprofessional. They’re totally acceptable on Instagram (as opposed to LinkedIn where they might be frowned upon).

#5 – Sense Check Your Username

Your username appears next to all your posts so it has a big impact on how you’re perceived. Usernames like ‘caz123’ are fine for personal use but they don’t make it obvious that you’re a fitness professional to potential followers.

Using catchy fitness names for Instagram ensures that your profile is memorable and conveys what you do. So, check that your username actually makes sense to people who don’t already know you.

If it doesn’t, then change it. You can switch up your Instagram username as many times as you like. Simply go to Options ⇒ Edit Profile and enter a new username. Where possible, try to keep usernames consistent between all social platforms.

It’s best to choose a name with less than 15 characters because that’s the limit on other platforms like Twitter.

You can check username availability across all social platforms at the same time using a site like Name Checkr. It might feel like all the best fitness Instagram names are taken, but if yours is already in use then there are a couple of options…

  • Add your location – so flyfit becomes flyfitUK or flyfitNY.
  • Add a verb – such as goflyfit or getflyfit. But try to avoid using punctuation like underscores (i.e. flyfit is preferable to fly_fit).

For more fitness Instagram name ideas, check out this article.

#6 – Include A Professional Profile Picture

For gyms and studios, it’s best to use an element of the logo (such as the first letter or icon). For example, Soul Cycle use their wheel icon instead of squeezing their full logo into a small circle. We don’t recommend using a full-size logo since when viewed on a mobile it appears super-small and isn’t easily readable.

For personal trainers or bloggers, there are more options… Since it’s a single person representing the business (rather than a team) you can either use a headshot or logo element.

Headshots can come across as more personable, whereas logos can appear more professional. It’s an individual preference and there is no right or wrong – it really depends on how you’d like to come across to your audience.

The minimum profile picture size is 110 x 110 pixels, but you also need to allow for the fact that Instagram will crop the corners into a circular shape.

#7 – Link To A Lead Capture Page

Of all the fitness Instagram bio ideas we’ve mentioned, this may be the most important. After all, what’s the point in social media marketing if it’s not driving leads for your business? So, make sure that you link directly to a lead capture page.

You might also like…Instagram Tips For Personal Trainers – 5 Ways To Get More Followers

The web address in your fitness bio for Instagram is the only clickable link on the platform. This makes it the easiest way to send visitors to your website, so don’t waste it. Most people just link to their homepage, but this is missing an opportunity…

Instead of linking to your homepage, link to a page that’s specifically designed to capture leads. You want to drive visitors to a form that asks for their email address, so you can continue to build the relationship outside of Instagram.

This way you have more freedom to communicate in different ways (especially handy if your account is ever blocked).

You’ll need to offer something really valuable in order for people to hand over their email address. Ebooks, fitness challenges, and workout guides all work really well. It’s best to offer something that will solve a small problem, help them complete the first step towards their goal, or provide a quick win that’ll make them feel good.

Bonus Tip – Add Story Highlights

This tip is optional as it’s only helpful if you use Instagram Stories. It’s possible to pin stories to your profile so that they appear directly under your bio. This allows you to promote services or convey additional information in a visual way.

If you’re designing the bio for a fitness page, then adding Story Highlights will really aid branding.

You can choose a cover photo to represent each story that matches your colour scheme or brand style. These appear as circles underneath your text bio and link directly to the stories themselves.

Check out how Cassey Ho uses them under her Instagram fitness bio to promote events, programs, and lead magnets…

If you’re creating a fitness studio or gym bio for Instagram, then you could add Story Highlights about personal training, spa services, or membership options. For a personal trainer bio, the highlights could cover training goals and FAQs. It’s super-simple to do – check out the basic steps here.

Creating A Killer Fitness Bio For Instagram

Implement these 7 tips and tricks, and you’ll have a killer fitness bio for Instagram in no time! For more social media ideas and strategies check out our other articles on starting a fitness Instagram, popular health hashtags, and the best fitness hashtags for likes and followers.

Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Sites

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Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site Website

Ready-Made Instagram Images

Our social media kits make it easy todrive leads, engagement, and loyaltyfor your fitness business. Ideal for busy gym operators and studio owners, they enable you to benefit from our marketing agency expertise for a fraction of the usual cost.

The ready-made social postssave you time and effort – learn more here.